Thursday, May 20, 2010

Sunday 5/16

Sunday we were able to sleep in, or I did accidentally. A few went to a church service but I was not feeling too well Sunday morning. We met as a group at like 1:30 to go to this place called Blenheim Palace. Right as we walk out to walk to the bus it begins to rain, and I of course didn't bring an umbrella. But it was fine and I was able to share. So then we had to wait forever in the rain for the bus and finally loaded up. This wasn't too enjoyable for me because I was feeling like crap and the swaying bus was not helping. Luckily I popped a Dramamine and that got me feeling better. We finally reached the Palace grounds, still raining and cold. Here's some quick pics from the afternoon at the Palace. The grounds were beautiful, unfortunately we didn't get to go inside.

As you can see, the sun finally made it's way out and it turned into a great day.

Also came across this beauty, so many nice cars out here.

Ok, I think that should be enough pictures for now of the Palace, enjoy!

1 comment:

  1. Wow, i love all of these pics. you look like your having a blast!! I love you, Emma
